Wednesday, May 11, 2011

How To Write A Song - Series

I'd like to share my perspective on how to write a song. How to pull together life experiences, melodies, mixing of styles, emotions, impress by technique etc. into a song that will move listeners. I don't have any golden recipe or a scientific method but I feel I have a few thoughts to share with you that might help as a guide in your creative process. It's such an amazing thing that we can put our feelings and thoughts into music and I don't want to squander the magnificence of it too much, but I want to break it down to provide some tools that you can use in your own songwriting.

This will be a "How to write a song" series divided into parts. Stay tuned for part one which will be about setting your goals for the song, finding out who you're writing for, why you want to write the song and create a framework around the project making it way easier to move forward and be creative.

Either press "Follow" at the top of the screen, subscribe to the rss feed and/or join the facebook page to get an automatic update when the next part comes out.

Below I will be posting links to each part:
Part 1 - Your Goal
Part 2 - Turning Inspiration Into a Song

Image: nuttakit /

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